A HuWoManifesto A HuWoMaNiFeSTO, 2010:
Celebrating a wholistic / bio-centric spelling of human, evolving it with biological integrity, honoring the webs of life in sustainability & active compassion for faith, gender & skin spectrum #equality in #huwmanity #ecologically living with the #WebsOfLife, , there is less strife! 
we can better than survive, we can thrive!(: -- huwmanely :) 

#unityindiversity      #huwmankind       #ecomind 

To the mountains and the valleys! Healthy Oceans, rivers, & waterfalls!
To all Bodies of Water, all creatures!
>>> Thriving forests = thriving ecosystems = thriving people <<<


for We & Me
#websoflife + #huwmanity
#ecology .

with intersectional equality.

((if this resonates, please share & use the wholistic, inclusive spelling:


honoring all parts to the whole,
 we all have a role..:)

you decide!

1 <3 
The Huwmen Being Book is Available for purchase at www.Lulu.com or can click on link below(:
**top photo: Huwman beings made of clay, made by many huwmen in 2010, atmospheric ceramic fire